I recently saw this on another blog and thought i'd give it a try. I have sand paper letters and find them very resourceful. Sand Paper boards can be expensive so i thought these felt boards would be a great alternative.
i ordered the wooden circles from woodworks ltd and the felt number stickers from Michaels. I always save my 40% off coupons for majority of the things i purchase from this store.
After peeling and sticking the numbers to the disc i had Henry put them in order. He definitely needed my help! Just shows me how much a simple activity like this could teach him so much!
there he goes.
I had him point on each number and tell me what the number was. He did good on this part.
I am also using these boards to teach him how to write numbers. I just have him trace the numbers with his finger at this point. Even baby Hans enjoys playing with these boards. Because these are so easy and fairly inexpensive, i plan on making them for birthday gifts for others.